Calculations Billions In Healthcare Savings From Legal Marijuana

The infamous comedian Tommy Chong, who combined with comic partner Cheech Marin made a living performing live shows, recording albums, and making films touting the recreational benefits of marijuana use, was serious when he was quoted by WOAI on May 14 saying that he believes legalizing marijuana could save the U.S.

Most of us, of course, don't have the money to buy a thousand of anything at ten bucks a throw much less a thousand combinations of "0's" and "1's" that have to be repurchased every year as it will take some time yet before marijuana domains meet nationwide acceptance.

At least one reviewer has called this a"genius app" - and we're inclined to agree. Even though the program falls under the health care category, it is rated as"High Maturity". We agree and wonder if the rating's double-entendre was well meaning or. It's expected that minors (and perhaps even people under 21) should not install this app! Being in the writing trade we promote free speech, but parents should perhaps"police" their children' devices for apps like this or even worse.

That's about the same weight as two paperclips, but it was enough to sink his visit to New Orleans. At the time, he was fined just $50, less than the cost of a speeding ticket.

I am a leukemia survivor who did two years of chemotherapy as a recreational marijuana practitioner that is. I am not looking to debate or argue, just recreational marijuana to share my experience in hopes that people might pause to rethink their stance, maybe change their minds.

His campaign to illegalize bud, encouraged the development of a automobile fuel. medical marijuana advocates assert that it has also driven health care costs.

In her latter years, Mrs. Ford suffered the typical infirmities of advanced age. In 1987, she had quadruple bypass surgery. Twenty years later, blood clots in the legs slowed down her. Because of this, she missed Lady Bird Johnson's 2007 funeral. On July 8, 2011, Betty Ford passed away from natural causes.

Liberal Supreme Court nominee about his Sonya Sotomayor has broken her ankle link tripping at New York's LaGuardia Airport. Democratic Senator Robert Byrd told her it reminded him of the time he broke his ankle tripping over Mayor LaGuardia.

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